Posts tagged expat in Australia

I still haven’t been billed for my kneecap surgery!!!

If you haven’t already, you can read all about the broken kneecap saga in these posts:
sometimes they take out kneecaps
coming home
I May Never Skate Again!!!

So as of today we officially got one bill from the Ambulance Services. A bill for $300. Yes an ambulance bill for just $300! I can’t even believe it myself. And we would have been more than happy to pay for it BUT luckily we read the small print because it said that if you hold a health care card the bill is ZERO!!! And we do! My partner, Dan, had to leave his full-time job to care for me and my daughter. So a health care card, which is a card for people that have little to no money coming in and can be used to get discounts on prescription drugs and other services is extremely helpful. Yep, I was taken to the ER in an ambulance, stayed for 4 days, and still have not paid a cent 6 weeks later. But that is not all!

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 6 week check-up. I was going every two weeks since being discharged. I usually get seen in a reasonable amount of time for a large public hospital AND the doctors talk to you for more than 15 minutes. While in x-ray the student technician told me about his knee injury and how lucky I am to be in a rich country like Australia-he is from South Korea and it took him two years to get his full range of motion back-TWO YEARS. My doctor told me from the day of surgery it would be 3 months until I can walk (slowly) up and down steps again.

My X-ray showed the docs that the bone was healing well but the wires that hold it all together would have to be taken out in a year or so from now since they are gonna be pushing up against my skin when the swelling goes down. The surgery shouldn’t be a big deal. My knee still doesn’t look like “a knee” yet. It is getting close, but it is bigger than the other knee-and with my muscles being non-existent that whole leg is looking a bit bizzaro. So basically the doctor told me to stop wearing my brace and not to use the crutches anymore. It is time to walk! And I was like wait, hold up, I love my brace!!!And even though it is all sweaty and dirty and gross and totally annoying and if I hear the sound of velcro one more is the only thing that holds my LEG together!!!Well except for those wires…so yes a bit excited and scared to go at it alone, sans brace and crutches. You see this is like more about your mind getting over it then what is really going on physically. Right now my mind is having a lot of trouble figuring out how the hell my skinny ass leg with the swollen kneecap is gonna keep the rest of me upright without breaking again!

Then the physio came in to tell me about some exercises I can do to strengthen my leg. This guy, Nick, was great because he actually listened to me! I had fears about walking that he said were valid but if I do the exercises, build up the muscles and go slow I should be fine. And no, my leg was not going to fall off. I also told him that I wanted to go to physio closer to the house ’cause the hospital I go to now is in the city about 40min + tolls and parking. I also wanted hydrotherapy (exercising in a pool) and that I would be happy to pay for if needed. I had heard from other sources that medicare would not cover my physio and that I would have to find someone on my own, so I was taken aback when he said he was gonna call around for me and see what he could come up with. HE CALLED THE PLACES FOR ME!!! Public healthcare people, do you believe it? By the time I got home he called to tell me he found a public hospital close by, it has a pool, and the PHYSIO WOULD BE FREE! He faxed them my information and said I should be hearing from someone early next week. I seriously was gonna shell out some cash monies (beg, borrow or steal it) to walk again! But now, because of my best buddy Nick, I don’t have to turn to a life of crime!

So today I have been trying to walk around the house a bit without my brace and it is a lot harder then I had thought it would be. No, I did not think that as soon as I took the brace off the heavens would part and my knee would be 100% better BUT I did not think I would be less mobile without the brace. I have to use the crutches for now and if not, take small baby steps. I do wear the brace to play on the floor with my daughter because it is easier to get up quicker if needed. I am now sitting in a chair while writing this post, and my leg is bent but feels stiff and achy. In the world of broken kneecaps this is what we call PROGRESS.

Again small baby steps-I look at Ramona who is starting to walk and am like yeah she’s got the right idea. But my patience is wearing thin (not like I had a lot to begin with) and the waiting is the hardest part (Tom Petty got that right….) The last 6 weeks have been very trying on myself and my little family (oh man does Dan need a break!!) and I haven’t been in the best of moods. It is hard to keep a positive spin on things when you are having trouble just getting your baby a new diaper because her naked butt is crawling away from you and you can’t reach her fast enough without straining/breaking something and you pray that she doesn’t crap on the floor, furniture, or the cat. Or you haven’t taken a shower in four days because your partner is too busy doing EVERYTHING and you don’t have anywhere to go to anyway because you can’t drive and don’t have any money to do anything-but at least it is not South Korea, right? Wait, what I meant to say was at least it is not the UNITED STATES where we would be even more screwed with money, more debt and loads of red tape.

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I May Never Skate Again!!!

Went to my doctor’s appointment today and had a rough time just dealing with removing the tape that held my stitches in and getting the stitches taken out. Dan said I was cursing like a sailor and the nurse was like I have never seen tape so embedded into someone’s skin like this. So after finally removing the tape and cleaning up my wound, they decided to just let the stitches dissolve in my skin because my flesh was not letting them go no matter what. Then we got down to some knee business.

My Ken doll of a doctor started to slowly take my leg off the table and I was like wait, hold up! What the funk? He was trying to trick me you see…making me talk so I would not notice him BENDING my knee in about a 15-30 degree angle. I noticed alright, but it didn’t hurt, just felt stiff and heavy. He said I should be doing this 4x a day until I come back in two weeks where I should be able to bend it 30-45 degrees. He also showed me my newest x-ray. This helped me get over the feeling that my leg was falling off. You see the wires contract when my knee bends to keep the fracture intact-who knew?

knee x-ray two weeks after surgery

I think the knitting visualization helped, because he said my knee was mending well. The more difficult task is to keep up with the exercises without the doctor present. At home we tried it out and I got scared and frustrated, but Dan held my leg and let it bend slowly and we got through it. I also need to do quad exercises to make sure they get stronger and don’t atrophy. I have another four weeks in the brace.

After physical therapy, a name from years ago popped into my head. Nancy Kerrigan. Didn’t she get hit in the knee by some goon with a lead pipe that Tony Harding hired? Well guess what, she was skating 6 weeks later!

Nancy Kerrigan got hit by a lead pipe and only got a bruise. yeah a painful bruise but it didn’t break. I fell on my knee and fractured it in three places. What and what.

You know I used to be a figure skater. I still have the outfit I competed in. Yes, I competed, but only once. I had the same routine as my best ice skating buddy and we both got 5th place. I tied for 5th and there were only 6 of us skating that day! And you know what? I NEVER COMPETED AGAIN! I quit training the very next day. Every winter I want to go and skate but don’t often make it off the couch, because I am watching so much ice skating on TV. I just love the commentary and the drama! Hello? Ever heard of Oksana Baiul? What a train wreck! And you know Scott Hamilton turned commentator after testicular cancer…I do love the rock n’ roll themed shows the best, seriously the worst performances EVER because skating will never get out of the early 90s. So much pain and heartache and cheesiness wrapped into a dorky routine and bad fashion sense-what is not to love?

I’ve decided I am gonna be tackling my rehab like a skater who is working on their comeback after falling on some hard times!

Yeah a project! 2010 is the year of walking for me and Ramona!

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